Sunday, July 18, 2010


This weekend we hitched up our tent trailer and hit the road. We were going camping with my mom's roommates from college. There was 5 family's including us and a boatload of kids. there was 9 boys and only 4 girls. The kids ages ranged from 4 months to 10 years old. If you made a list of the kids based on there age with the youngest on the bottom I would be on the tippy top which put me as the person in charge alot because we were in the woods most of the time and we did not want anybody getting lost.

Nature club:

Here is a picture of the nature club. We don't quite have everybody in the picture that was in the nature club because some people do not like getting their picture taken. If you were wondering if I was in the club the answer was yes. But if I was in the picture I wouldn't of been able to actually take the picture. What the nature club was really about was saving nature. It was really fun to teach younger kids more about the enviorment and how we can help it. We enjoyed the camping so much and we can't wait untell the next one next summer!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cousins are here!

This weekend cousins from Spokane and they stayed at my grandparents house. We went over there on Saturday to see them then they were going to come over to my house for dinner. At my grandma's house me and my cousin Astrid took my brother and sister down to the stream and got all muddy so we came back and washed off with he hose then me and Astrid ended up having a big water fight. At one point I totally soaked Astrid! After we all had loads of fun we headed to my house for more fun and some yummy dinner of chicken, pesto, watermelon and much more. We had so much fun and at the end of the day when everybody left Astrid got to stay and sleep over!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lake Chelan

We got to skip school and head over to Grandpa & Grandma's condo in Lake Chelan. They have a condo in Wapato. They have an outside pool and and an inside pool. This is a picture of us in the outside pool when my dad is throwing me around and my sister is hanging on daddy's back.

I just noticed that in the picture it looks like daddy has a mowhawk. I don't know if he actually did or not but it sure looks like it. We spent alot of time at the pool but we also spent alot of time cayaking. We had gotten alot of pics so I'll just show you some of them.

Nolan's B-Day

Nolan turned 7 on May 21, 2010. He had 6 or 7 friends over. I couldn't keep track. He had his party on his b-day after school. At his party everybody got homemade aprons and got to make their own pizzas. I had alot of fun myself but I do not look like that in the picture. For dessert Nolan chose donuts because he doesn't like cake very much. I think he had alot of fun and again I can't wait untell I turn 1o.

Sophia's B-Day

Did you notice in the picture Sophia has the number 1 on her cupcake? She is actally turning 4 but mommy forgot to buy candles. Sophia was so excited to turn 4 and had lots of friends over like Estella, Henry, Drew, Anna, Maggie and Kylie. They played bingo and had a pinyata to hit full of candy. Sophia says she can't wait tell 5 ( She can't wait untell she turns 5) Now that I remember what it's like to have a birthday I can't wait untell I turn 10. ( not that I would forget what it's like)